ClearPerl: Perl 5 modules for ClearCase

Introduction to ClearPerl

ClearPerl version 5 (hereafter referred to as just "ClearPerl") is intended to be an OpenSource software product which provides a Perl 5 API to various parts of Rational Software's ClearCase product line.

Requirements for ClearPerl

ClearPerl will require the use of Perl 5.004 or later, ClearCase 3.2 or later, and will hopfully run both on Unix platforms as well as Windows/NT.

Copying and Licensing Terms for ClearPerl

ClearPerl is in the pre-release development stages at present. It is copyrighted 1995-1999 by Brad Appleton except where explicitly stated otherwise for a given file or module. It may be copied or modified under the same terms a Perl itself (see the Perl home page).

Proposed Modules

Currently, we envision some of the following modules for ClearPerl:


ClearCase configuration, installation, and platform information. See the tentative POD-format documentation of the proposed interface for ClearCase::Config.


Interface to the cleartool command and its subcommands. Ideally one will be able to choose from executing a separate cleartool process for each invocation and using a coprocess to execute subcommands. There should also be a way to process output line-by-line as if it were a filehandle. See the tentative POD-format documentation of the proposed interface for ClearCase::ClearTool.


Execution options for running cleartool (or multitool, or other ClearCase programs) and its subcommands. See the tentative POD-format documentation of the proposed interface for ClearCase::ExecOpts.

Other ClearPerl modules

Items of Interest